Monday, March 28, 2005

Okay, major make over which took me hours and I nearly jumped from my chair in joy when it finally worked. Yeah, that desperate. Commenting system is officially my enemy forevah (yes, pronounce it for-e-vah). I put up a new commenting system by HaloScan, yes it's the boring and not-so-neat pop-up window but what can I say? Blogger's commenting system has made it clear that they refuse to work on my blog! I don't get why my friends could make them work, I really would love to see people commenting on actual page with the entry, not in a pop-up box, but whatever. Gotta thank for whatever you've got. This is another layout from DayDream Graphics, yes I never make my own layout because obviously I don't know how to work with div layers. It's gonna take me ages to change the layout on my own.

So people, fill up my boring pop up window commenting system please and make me happy. I'm so close to giving up this blog and it's the work I've put in it that keeps forcing me to keep it. It's been a year since I first knew Blogger, and I've only gone through six layouts. How fun. Life is still like usual, exams almost everyday, especially now that we're so close to graduation day. It turns out that the minimum score for final exams is 4.26 instead of 5.1, so yeah I guess I shall be grateful, because I'm not sure I could graduate with such hard stuffs back in Economy try-out last Friday. Oh and another news, for once my mum agreed on a guy I told her I have a crush on. Isn't that like.. a miracle? Finally I'm able to find a guy she thinks is ideal for me. The one she completely approves and even supported me to get closer to him, although he already had a girlfriend! Well, not gonna do that Mum, I'm not a relationship ruiner. But I'm still gonna be watching the handsome-ness though. =D On the other hand, this feels so fun! I never feel I could relate to my mum this close ya know. She's always been against everything I do or like. But now she's supporting me, and sheesh, do ya know how good it feels inside? To know that she finally understands me? And side with me?

I think she deserves to say 'I told you so'. Yeah, she truly does. I mean she did say it but in another way, and that sort of embarassed me a bit. I was persistent back then. I didn't try to listen to her reasonings. And guess what, she's right all along. Oh well, at least now I won't make the same mistake. From now on I'll trust her judgement. =)

By the way, I swear I'm gonna pursue this guy when he breaks up. *devilish grin*
Desperate Secrets - Secrets of my desperation in life from the past and present


Alias: Cornelia
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Location: Indonesia
Birthdate: 03 Sept 1987
Star Sign: Virgo
Birthstone: Sapphire
Planet: Mercury
Element: Earth
Favorite Color: Lime Green
Obsession: Alias
Occupation: Freelance Translator
University Major: Integrated Marketing Communication
Live Journal: Private Eyes
Graphic Journal: Nocturne Love
Fan Fiction Journal: Three Decades
I am worth $2,045,034


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