Saturday, January 24, 2004

Becca's got a new blog! Woo-hoo! It's blog madness everywhere. Today my little puppy bites my wrist and now I have a red line just below my artery (u know? blood vessel or something.. hard to find what it's called in English) so people would now suspect that I had once tried to kill myself by cutting my wrist. Although the truth is my PUPPY was the one who thought he could kill me by cutting my wrist with his teeth. Well, apparently the cut wasn't deep enough to kill me so yeah.. I'm still here, I'm still ranting, and I'm gonna grow up and be a cranky old woman, thanks to my puppy for giving that chance.

I just watched The Last Samurai.. what a movie. Full of types of killing from beheading to plain stabbing. Children shouldn't watch that, and I don't recommend it for those of you who have phobia against blood. Because blood was certainly spurting everywhere.. to tell you the truth it was actually a bit hyperbolic. It spurts too much and it's not normal you're able to know blood doesn't spurt that much. It's pure fake liquid or something. Blah.. what do I care? My wrist has just spurted real blood!! Grr.. thanks again to my puppy. I shall officially call this 'Bloody Day'.


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Desperate Secrets - Secrets of my desperation in life from the past and present


Alias: Cornelia
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Location: Indonesia
Birthdate: 03 Sept 1987
Star Sign: Virgo
Birthstone: Sapphire
Planet: Mercury
Element: Earth
Favorite Color: Lime Green
Obsession: Alias
Occupation: Freelance Translator
University Major: Integrated Marketing Communication
Live Journal: Private Eyes
Graphic Journal: Nocturne Love
Fan Fiction Journal: Three Decades
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