Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Okay,I gave up on Kazaa. I've went through a long way by downloading Windows Media Player first, then Kazaa version 2.6 and then tries to download Kazaa Lite K++ from the regular Kazaa because it's much more faster and cooler, and I can't download it from the official site without paying (see the irony? I use the official program instead to download it) But whenever I try to install it always says Kazaa Lite is currently running and I need to close it first. Although obviously I can't even get it installed. Well, I gave up if I can't install it. It's Kazaa Lite K++ or no Kazaa at all. I gave up on The Sims as well. Coz it takes way too much space in my already crowded computer. So I've restored the rest of the programs back.

You know what? I can be a fortune-teller for myself sometimes. Since so far only the worst things happened to me, today when we had to draw a ticket to decide which of the teachers we'll have as our judges--or I better call them questioners--for the final writing test (I dunno how to describe this in English. We have to make a writing at least 20 pages about a subject and then after we finish it we'll have a test about it, an oral test to be exact, so we'll have to memorize the whole book and answer the questions from the questioners correctly to prove it was really us who did the assignment, I guess), I saw the list of judges and quickly stared at the worst pair of judges. That moment I knew I was going to get that one. Although I drew the ticket with some hope, it turned out that I was right. I got the worst pair of judges. See? I'm good at telling my own fortune--or should I start calling it bad luck.


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Desperate Secrets - Secrets of my desperation in life from the past and present


Alias: Cornelia
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Location: Indonesia
Birthdate: 03 Sept 1987
Star Sign: Virgo
Birthstone: Sapphire
Planet: Mercury
Element: Earth
Favorite Color: Lime Green
Obsession: Alias
Occupation: Freelance Translator
University Major: Integrated Marketing Communication
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