Sunday, March 21, 2004

Quiz Me
Cornelia spins tunes as
DJ Slim God

Get your dj name @ Quiz Me

Whatever that means. At least I'm slim. Bah.

Are you Addicted to the Internet?

55% (41% - 60%)
You seem to have a healthy balance in your life when it comes to the internet and life away from the computer. You know enough to do what you want online without looking like an idiot (most of the time). You even have your own Yahoo club or online journal! But you enjoy seeing your friends and going out to enjoy life away from your computer.

The Are you Addicted to the Internet? Quiz at Quiz Me!

Dude I'm way beyond 55% or Balanced! I'm obsessed! This online world is my real world! *retakes the test*

The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz

A handbag? *Slaps you with the handbag* Oh and you know what? I first read that "53%" thingy as "Sex". Gawd, BROOK! I'm not gonna forgive you for corrupting my mind!!


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Desperate Secrets - Secrets of my desperation in life from the past and present


Alias: Cornelia
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Location: Indonesia
Birthdate: 03 Sept 1987
Star Sign: Virgo
Birthstone: Sapphire
Planet: Mercury
Element: Earth
Favorite Color: Lime Green
Obsession: Alias
Occupation: Freelance Translator
University Major: Integrated Marketing Communication
Live Journal: Private Eyes
Graphic Journal: Nocturne Love
Fan Fiction Journal: Three Decades
I am worth $2,045,034


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