Monday, March 15, 2004

I'm not sure when I'm gonna talk to Brook or Becca again.. pretty soon though since Bec isn't going to fuckin Italy with no internet. Okay.. well, if they really just made it up, how COULD you make me feel so darn guilty for questioning if it's real? I have been suspecting that it was only a stupid joke all along, and yeah, sadly I'm true. Oh no, maybe not that sad since she's not actually leaving us forever. Look, I'm sorry if I have become this mad about this 'joke', but I just felt hurt. It's so mean to tell one of your closest friends that you're not going to be able to see her again but then you just said, "Oh sorry. It was all a lie." Uh-huh. Yeah right. I'm sorry if I'm suddenly bitching like this, but Samantha did really cry, unless she lied too which I don't think she did. It's just a very mean lie. I've been totally feeling sorry and sad for not being able to see you again and now you just said it isn't really happening. Not that I'm not glad that it isn't really happening. But why would you do that in the first place, though? It hurts. At least for me.

Well, let's look at the bright side, apparently I'm still that good at detecting the truth behind what people said. To tell you the truth Becca, I was still slightly unsure that what you said was true. Since why would Italy not have internet access? That's ridiculous. Especially that your parents were moving there to work. What.. are they going to be farmers? I don't think so. The place should have internet connections, and it's not likely you'll move that far to Italy. And that you could just accept it. I know you Becca, if it really happens you probably could've yelled to your parents and stayed there no matter what happens. You won't just come with them willingly, whatever it takes.


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Alias: Cornelia
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