Friday, April 23, 2004

Just watched Something's Gotta Give... well, interesting movie indeed. On the other hand, all love-themed movies have the same plot: they meet, they fall in love, something bad happens and it looks like they're going to break up, then finally they're back together again. Is someone up to making something more creative than that? Everytime it's always like that. They've got to the climax of the perfect relationship, then it went to anti-climax when one of them feel betrayed and there goes the 'runaway' and 'I can explain' thingy. It's always the same. I wonder if there's a love-themed movie that can expose something different? It'd be great. This is going so monotone. I still cried nonetheless. I hate how I can be so emotional over these actually-boring movies. Yeah well, can't blame a girl for crying when she sees someone else cries. Oh btw, Keanu Reeves was so hot. Since he didn't get anyone in the end, it's pretty satisfactioning.

Call me crazy but even in FGB I can't find a great guy. See, not even in the internet. Off with Ryan, off with Jason, they all only seem great at the first time. Then they just don't think I'm good enough. Maybe I AM not good enough, even for such a long-distant-weird-in character-relationship. Whatever. This means only someone really great deserves me. Yeah, they're all stupid... and there goes the beginning of my rant again. Oooh life.. I dunno how to live when Monday comes. I HATE SCHOOL WITH ALL MY LIFE!


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Desperate Secrets - Secrets of my desperation in life from the past and present


Alias: Cornelia
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Location: Indonesia
Birthdate: 03 Sept 1987
Star Sign: Virgo
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Element: Earth
Favorite Color: Lime Green
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