Tuesday, November 09, 2004

It's amazing how different one's situation can be in a matter of time. Such a short amount of time. Right now I'm not feeling very well regarding my love life.. I don't know, all of a sudden everything has turned too complicated. Hard to explain.. okay maybe not, but I'm not exposing my personal life here. I still don't know what to do, honestly, people always say listen to your heart, but right now my heart just couldn't decide. I'm having an issue with trust, and I'm slowly losing my grip. Not that there's a third person.. not that kind of thing.. just... pure trust. Trust in the feelings... God I wish I know what to do.. I have never been this way before.. I have never been in that point where I just don't know what to do or which way to go. I just hope I'm not exaggerating anything.. this thing truly hurts, well if for some people it's nothing, for me it's a rather big thing.. and some of my friends think so anyway, so I guess I'm not just being over sensitive or what.

I guess I'll just wait for what's going to happen next. What he's going to say.. and I'll decide from there. At this point I can't turn around anymore.. so really, what I'm going to do next depends on what will happen next.. I'm still waiting for something. Something that people that have hurt someone else always say.. but I guess that word isn't that easy to be said, huh? I might sound childish.. wanting to hear it when the person doesn't want to say it at all, but don't you think it's kind of necessary to say it, if you know that you've hurt someone? Especially if the one you've hurt is someone you love? Or someone you told him/her that you love him/her. Whatever. I might sound annoying, expecting too much from someone, but heck, that's a truly simple word. I say it everyday.. when I step on someone's foot or accidentally drop someone's thing. And for such a big thing like this when you've hurt someone you love.. it's more than necessary, right? Or maybe.. not. Maybe I'm just overreacting over this. Maybe I'm just in need of attention. Maybe I'm just too spoiled. Bah.


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Desperate Secrets - Secrets of my desperation in life from the past and present


Alias: Cornelia
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Location: Indonesia
Birthdate: 03 Sept 1987
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