Friday, April 08, 2005

GREAT NEWS! Actually it's quiet unbelievable. There was a story writing competition for a local teen magazine months ago, and as usual I sent in my entries, refusing to give up although I've never won. Then the results came out, and once again I didn't win anything at all. This year is going to be my one last chance because the age limit is 18 I believe, and after that I can't enter again. So I've accepted the fact that I still don't win anything and I'll just try harder next year. But can you believe it? Today, the phone rang and my maid told me it's from the magazine. Half hoping it's about a freelance job I asked them a while ago, I picked up the phone and heard that they're going to publish my story instead! So here's the story, apparently my story indeed didn't win but it was one of the nominations. That means it was good, and they've decided to publish it anyway! Although the money I'm going to receive isn't as much as if my story had won, it still feels great that finally my talent is acknowledged. Feels good to know that I indeed have a chance, that my desire can be actually be put into something productive. I've always loved writing, and think I have the talent, but I've never been acknowledged much except for the two trophies I've got years ago in a small writing competition. So I'm glad that finally the magazine decided to publish it, because this is the first time I actually will see my story being published in a magazine. Yeah believe it or not it's not always that easy, even when you think you have the talent to do so. Anyways, I'm so so so HAPPY! I'm gonna be acknowledged, I'm gonna get money, what else I could ask for?


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4/09/2005 12:15 AM  

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Desperate Secrets - Secrets of my desperation in life from the past and present


Alias: Cornelia
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Location: Indonesia
Birthdate: 03 Sept 1987
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