Monday, May 23, 2005

Just when I figured out it's no big deal.. someone asked me to be his prom date. :P Okay, maybe not a "date" literally, but you know what I mean. We'll go as friends, and if I'm lucky I might get a ride as well :P Considering he's able to drive.. and I somewhat remember him driving his own car? Mr. Gorgeous is taken, though, but getting asked by him has always been a dream only anyways. Well at least I've got an escorter now and maybe I don't have to worry about that unwanted names that are gonna be paired randomly anymore. Wheee. Apparently, someone still wants me! And I thought I'm the undesirable one.

Let's just hope my friends get someone they deserve too, though, cos this feels more fun than I imagined. Sorta weird yeah, but this lets you know how you look like in those boys' eyes. Do they consider you? Yeah, I'm making this a big deal again. Whatever. Just in a weird mode right now. Maybe cos usually no one sort of notices me everyday at school.. well, none of the boys at least. And that makes this feel pretty surprising. I guess the night won't be so bad after all... well what I know is it's gonna be a night to remember. I'm gonna make sure I have everyone's picture, in their gorgeous dresses and suits!


Blogger Cornelia said...

That's a very wise comment. I'll remember it. Thank you for dropping by, and for caring. :)

6/03/2005 6:48 PM  

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Desperate Secrets - Secrets of my desperation in life from the past and present


Alias: Cornelia
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Location: Indonesia
Birthdate: 03 Sept 1987
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