Monday, March 20, 2006

Desperately Burying Herself Under Quizzes

Which Desperate Housewife Are You?

Take this test at Tickle

You're most like Bree

Some might call you uptight, but you'd rather be known as perfect. If you're going to do something, you might as well do it right, right? And what's so wrong with ironing the sheets and packing hand-picked-from-your-garden raspberry tarts in the kids' lunchboxes?

OK, so maybe Bree is a little (or a lot!) more high-strung than you. And while she might not know how to let go, you know how to treat yourself right and when to say when. So don't bat an eyelash the next time you take an extra long bubble bath and order pizza for dinner. Everyone — especially yourself — will thank you for it.

Which Desperate Housewife Are You?

Brought to you by Tickle

Hello, Bree. :P

Are You Bewitching?

Take this test at Tickle

Your Intelligence makes you bewitching

Whether you know a lot about some things or just about everything, you're a sharp and savvy soul who's got great common sense. And you don't need to be a genius to know that brains are sexy.

A smart cookie like you has a lot going on upstairs. You can hold your own at cocktail parties, meetings, and water-cooler chats alike. While some use their abs and gluts to turn heads, one flex of your mental muscle and hearts melt. Your good looks and sweet soul don't hurt either. Now that's smart!

Are You Bewitching?

Brought to you by Tickle

Who's Your OC Crush?

Take this test at Tickle

Your OC crush is Seth

Dorky? Maybe. Loveable? Totally! What's not to love about this cutie? A smarty like you looks beneath the surface, and that's why only a brainy hottie like Seth will do as your OC crush.

Sensible and responsible, you've got a good head on your shoulders, and you use it. Maybe you've been called wise for your years. Many famous folks were ahead of their times in high school, and you'll probably be one of them. So keep doing things in your own unique style. You're well on your way to great things. And it might be even better if you have an equally-awesome crush to have fun with along the way!

Who's Your OC Crush?

Brought to you by Tickle

Who's Your Movie Star Double?

Take this test at Tickle

Your movie star double is Cate Blanchett

An intellectual like you needs to be played by someone who understands how to be deep without being boring, someone who can grasp complicated subjects and make them seem clear cut, someone like Cate Blanchett. Whether bringing to life Elizabethan stories or playing an undercover WWII courier in Charlotte Gray, Cate has shown the world that being smart can be sexy.

Were you sometimes the kid in class who realized when the teacher made a mistake — even if you didn't always point it out? Now that you're grown up, it wouldn't surprise us if you still liked the challenge of banter or enjoyed staying up late talking about the latest in political, social, or celebrity circles. Your glamour comes from your head first and radiates out through your looks. Cate's a natural to star as you because she, like you, has a good head on her shoulders. And she isn't afraid to use it.

Who's Your Movie Star Double?

Brought to you by Tickle

Bosen. Berat. Dan inilah yang terjadi. Feel free to steal. Nggak melihat gunanya update kalau hanya sedikit yang peduli -_-; Besides, my life is very uninteresting lately..


Blogger Ireth Halliwell said...

Like... says who no one cares about your life? --;
My blog is less crowded than yours, but I'm fine with it.. I'm keeping it alive, whether people see it or not. What was actually the reason we make a blog? To be seen? Exposed? Or, just because you wanted to?
Life isn't perfect, Mrs. Van der Kamp..

3/24/2006 12:56 AM  
Blogger Cornelia said...

It's Van DE Kamp, without 'r' *kabur*

Who says life's perfect? Dan aku tidak bilang mau berhenti ngeblog karena ga ada yang baca.. aku cuma males karena ga ada yang baca DAN tidak ada hal menarik di hidupku akhir2 ini ^^;;

3/27/2006 7:30 PM  

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Desperate Secrets - Secrets of my desperation in life from the past and present


Alias: Cornelia
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Location: Indonesia
Birthdate: 03 Sept 1987
Star Sign: Virgo
Birthstone: Sapphire
Planet: Mercury
Element: Earth
Favorite Color: Lime Green
Obsession: Alias
Occupation: Freelance Translator
University Major: Integrated Marketing Communication
Live Journal: Private Eyes
Graphic Journal: Nocturne Love
Fan Fiction Journal: Three Decades
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