1. 1st skool:
Playgroup somewhere in Kedoya
2. 1st time you tried smoking:
3. 1st alcoholic drink you had:
I don't know.. wine? Oh and does eating something called Banana F.. (Flame? Flumbe?) count? It has some kind of alcoholic liquid.. or not? Uh.. then.. maybe rum somewhere in those rumballs count. If not, then never. =p
4. 1st time you entered a bar:
When my Mum was decorating it, several times already and couldn't remember which was first
5. 1st award you received:
Gotta be one of my trophies I got from drawing contest..
6. 1st hero:
Must be either Power Rangers or Sailor Moon
7. 1st time you were sent to the principal for
disciplinary actions:
Never! I'm a good girl =D
8. 1st goal you accomplished:
Being in the 1st rank in class in junior high school
9. 1st crush:
Someone I have forgotten back when I was in.. Kindergarten? Crazy I know but I think I still have his photo with me.. holding hands together =p I wonder where he is and how he looks like now.
10. 1st person who gave you flowers:
Uh.. no one that I remember. I wish someone would be that romantic..
11. 1st friend:
Can't remember! It's like 10 years ago or something ya know..
12. 1st kiss:
I've never been kissed =(
13. 1st record you bought:
Dunno.. don't remember..
14. 1st song you sang infront of many people:
When I was so little.. I used to sing all the time in front of many people =S I wonder when did the self-confidence poof away.
15. 1st musical instrument you learned to play:
Organ.. I think.
16 1st local & foreign concert you watched:
Um.. F4 Concert? *blushes* Simply because Dad somehow got a free ticket..
17. 1st celebrity you saw in person:
One of uninteresting Indonesian celebs.. too unimportant that it slipped from my mind.. =p
18. 1st gf/bf:
Oh.. um... well.. most of you know.. if not, then it's your fault =p
19. 1st TV show you really liked:
Sailor Moon?
20. 1st book you bought:
Can't possibly remember. I have like tons of books here.
21. 1st sport you played:
Swimming! Does that count?
22. 1st sleepover:
Never I think..
23. 1st terrible fight:
A stupid fight with my best friends in Elementary School..
24. 1st debut party you attended:
25. 1st bestfriend
Stella.. knew her from Kindergarten
26. 1st wedding you attended:
One of those boring ones my parents used to bring me to
27. 1st person who greeted you on your last
28. 1st friend in friendster:
Nonnie who invited me to join
29. 1st cellphone:
Nokia 3310 (then 8310, and now 6100 =p)
30. 1st cellphone ringtone:
Wow.. dunno. I think I tried it all.
31. 1st collection:
32. 1st time u saw a ghost:
33. 1st rollercoaster ride:
Believe it or not.. but it's just weeks ago in Fantasy World =D
34. 1st ambition:
To be a Kindergarten teacher.. what was I thinking?
35. 1st job?
Student? =D
36. 1st thing u bought w/ ur 1st salary?
37. 1st thing u wanna get right now:
Driver license.. bah.
38. 1st thing u wanna do atm?
Watch Alias again
39. 1st person u hated?
Wow.. I don't usually hold grudges.. thus.. can't remember. =p
40. 1st person u wanna slap right now?
No one unfortunately.. um.. I mean fortunately ^^